Triumph of the Girl

State laws are quickly materializing to prohibit athletic competition between cisgender girls and transgender girls, among other things. But nobody seems to mind girls besting boys. Another look at how society views girls and boys, and what it says to them.

The Best of the Breast

A proposed terminology change in the U.K. has stirred up conversation in the U.S. Should all parents be included in the art of feeding babies?

The Overlooked Laws of People and Sex

How anti-trans sentiment and sexism end up in the same bed, and take us all with them.

Government Transformed

November is when we observe Transgender Awareness Week. But Election Day also brought a huge week for LGBTQ candidates. While many might have thought the Presidential election was the only thing happening (not unusual), this November down-ballot races made a substantial bit of history: LGBTQ history.

The work starts here

One question of what comes next for America has been answered. Based on the late progression of close-call vote counts in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia, it was officially projected yesterday that the 46th President of the United States will take office in January.

Fare thee well, Justice Ginsburg

As September 18 marked the passage of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the bona fide champion of women’s rights, America quite viscerally felt the end of an era.