And the hemoglobin says . . .
The 2020 Twenty: Entry Ten.
by Mauve Maude
April 19, 2021
The number came in!
And though my doctor had high hopes at exam time, it looks like it wasn’t meant to be–not yet.
In other words, this time the A1C was not good. In fact, it’s the highest it’s ever been, at least after my pregnancies, and possibly including. Though it’s under the mark Type 2 diabetics want to maintain, it is well into Type 2 territory. So instead of tossing the medication for now, I’ve actually been ordered to double it. I now have to take it twice a day. (I’m gonna need another pill box.) And I must report back for another test in July.
So obviously this is not great news. It’s not what I wanted. Not crossing this line again was the whole purpose for starting this series. Now it’s worked its way into the story as another huge hurdle to overcome. But it’s by no means a reason for discouragement.
This month’s test was my first since last July. It wouldn’t necessarily have reflected the habits I’ve tried to bring back for these three months, much less the success I’ve had just in the last couple weeks.
So I take my medication and keep right on. Eventually, my hard work will show up in those numbers, and the ones on the scale.
Fitness News!
Because I’ve gotten my activity level back to where I want it (at least on cardio), I went ahead and adjusted my daily calorie goal on MyFitnessPal. And what I started to see straight away was weight gain. So I took another look, and it then occurred to me the activity level criteria on MyFitnessPal seems to be based on one’s activities before any exercise regimen, like how active you are on your job. And in that case, I rated myself as a little more active than I am. Though I’m back to staying on my feet most of the day, I’m not as active as say, a walking postal carrier. So I took my activity rating and my calorie goal back down, and I’m re-assessing. Fortunately, with the cardio, which MapMyWalk and MapMyRide automatically sync into MyFitnessPal, I’m managing to stay under or close to goal most days, even with the lower calorie limit.

I’m still working on consistent strength training. I’m also trying whenever I can to get in shorter, more frequent walks. I love my four-mile trail walks, but they’re harder to get to. A quick thirty-minute walk most days does just as much or more than two long hikes a week. Either way, my new goal is to always have 150 minutes of cardio on record for the last seven days. A few days ago, with rain looming, I managed to get a very short walk (trying not to get too far from home), then a short bike ride in the sprinkles before it really started coming down. It wasn’t as much as I wanted, but it was something, and it helped. I’m glad I did it, instead of letting that gray sky discourage me.
Speaking of things helpful, I also recently remembered another forgotten snack–trail mix. I ate a lot of it when I lost the forty. And I was never a big fan before that, of nuts especially, but it was so helpful to have around, and I got used to eating it. I even started to like it, nuts and all. I portioned it out ahead of time usually, because there was some sugar to consider, but I also used to carry a good-sized bag in my car for snack “emergencies”. I favored a berry and nut blend that could withstand the heat. So many trail mixes have chocolate, which I love. But I live in the South. Not so great for keeping in the car. Unfortunately that blend was only available in a specific store that doesn’t exist where I am now. So I have to go find myself a new one. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s out there. Just yesterday I found myself without a post-hike protein snack. Trail mix makes sure that doesn’t happen. Hence the name, I assume?
Habits are coming back. This is all very exciting, considering where I was two months ago. I’m proud to be where I am. If the high blood sugar has to come back with it, so be it. I’m gonna get back to where I was.

What do you think? I would like to hear from you, but you won’t find the typical Comments section here. If you have given the issue some thought or have an experience to share, please enter it here, or send your response to I would love to hear how the rest of America is doing with this in 2021. You can read what other readers had to say below.
“I feel you a lot on this last post! I have not been to a doctor–or inside anywhere–for the last year. I’m now vaccinated, and in two weeks the adults in my pod will be immune. So I am finally going to the lab for bloodwork and the doc soon after. My blood sugar has been borderline for years. Getting older and putting 10-ish (on top of what I already needed to lose) pounds recently has got me scared. Easter cake didn’t help. I’m on a more serious diet now. No sugar. Mostly veggies. Chicken, eggs, fish, some pork, and then bbq brisket for my binge day. Yes. Binge day is part of the Tim Ferris 4-Hour Body eating plan. You also get a nightly glass of wine if you want. And binge day. You can eat whatever you want. I’m cautious about it. But it keeps me from eating something bad if I know I can have it at the end of the week. Or two weeks if I draw it out. There are methods he suggests to keep [blood sugar] from spiking. It has worked well for me in the past. I need to start testing regularly too. I resist because I might not like the results. Anyway–I don’t feel so alone hearing about your struggles and makes me know what’s possible with your successes. May we both get that sugar down! I’ll let you know how it goes. Happy Walking! Happy Eating!” Mary E., Texas, April 19, 2021