Flashback: On Guns and Abortion

Last fall, I wrote on two topics that had been running a parallel discourse in my mind for a long while, and finally got my thoughts straight on their unexpected interrelatedness. Since then, it’s been my most read feature post, and it’s also been updated to include one woman’s special true story.

I thought it was an important issue, and apparently readers do too.

Now, in the post-Election 2020 calm (relatively, anyway), I’m thinking about what liberal progressives and religious conservatives might start doing to achieve the unity everybody’s saying we want. And here’s one idea. Common sense measures aside: what if we just left guns and abortion alone?

Don’t think that’s possible? Please read. And here is a piece from David French at The Dispatch, that might surprise readers on either side of the abortion argument. As usual, I’d love to hear what you think!

January 22, 2021