Sound Off

Twelve days before Election Day, tonight is the “final” Presidential debate of 2020, though many would argue that there hasn’t been one yet.

After the first debate between the Presidential candidates melted down into a puddle of insults, interruptions, low blows, and deflections (maybe you’d prefer to read it) . . .

After the President contracted COVID-19 just in time for the second debate and refused to participate in a virtual one, leaving his opponent to do a Town Hall alone, then scheduling his own Town Hall at the exact same time . . .

After the closest thing coming to a reasonable debate was the meeting of the Vice-Presidential candidates . . .

After a long slog of primaries and Democratic candidate debates . . .

After 2020 simply being 2020 . . .

It’s probably safe to say “final” is something America would appreciate.

Of course, this being billed as the most divisive election most people can remember, some would also say most of America has already decided. An unprecedented number have already voted: 42 million as of yesterday, as early voting and mail-in voting continue.

But for anybody who hasn’t, or anybody who doesn’t get a vote, but would still like to watch, here’s a breakdown of what to expect, including microphone control for anybody who can’t wait their turn.

October 22, 2020